Adopt a SU Family

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and keeping with Southern University’s mission to transform lives through education, we continuously seek opportunities to make valuable contributions to the community in which we live and serve. Right here on our campus, there are many families who can benefit from our assistance during this holiday season. This month, the SU family will kick off its Southern University Helping for the Holidays Advancement Initiative where we have identified several internal constituencies.


The selected groups are:
  • Donations for our Future Jags – We will collect age-appropriate toys for students in our SU Ag Center Child Development Laboratory (see the attached list).
  • Adopt an SU Family-  President Belton has selected THREE families right here on the BR landmass who are experiencing hardship and will welcome our assistance.

    Only monetary donations are being collected for the selected families.


    This holiday is an excellent opportunity to help make the season a bit brighter and we believe this initiative will demonstrate the generosity and kindness that our Southern University family offers. While these contributions are but a small gift, we are certain that this gesture will be etched in their memories and hearts throughout the year.