Alpha Sigma Centennial

The Alpha Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was first undergraduate chapter established in the southwest region and in the State of Louisiana. Alpha Sigma was chartered on February 22, 1935, on the campus of Southern University and A&M College. This chapter was chartered by nine young distinguished gentlemen.

The Alpha Sigma Alumni (“former undergraduate initiates and Alpha Sigma graduates”) created the Alpha Sigma Centennial fund as an endowment that awards undergraduate and graduate scholarships annually and to underwrite the 90th; 95th; and Centennial Charter Anniversary Gala. The funds will be housed in the Southern University System Foundation, where the SUSF will manage and distribute the fundswith 70% of the funds for scholarships of past and present Alpha Sigma initiates attending any of the five campuses of the Southern University System. The Alpha Sigma Alumni Centennial Commission will establish rules, procedures, & application processes for earning the scholarship and monitor the selection and execution of the gift giving and scholarship announcement and awarding.

Awards will be made on a competitive basis for the Fall and Spring academic semesters. In partnership with the Southern University System Foundation, this Scholarship program will provide sizable financial support for high achieving Alpha Sigma initiated SU students.

Donor Recognition Benefits:

The Foundation’s donor recognition program provides a meaningful way for us to say thank you to all who help activate philanthropy on our campuses and surrounding communities.

TrueBLUE Donor Appreciation Gala

The Foundation’s annual donor recognition event that invites those who contribution is $2,000 and up. The contribution timeline is Sept 1 to August 31

Alpha Sigma Centennial Fund Donor Recognition Benefits:

Donors activating their respective gifts within a calendar year will be eligible for non-transferable attendance to the Charter Anniversary Galas according to the following:

  • $1000.00 donation given within a calendar year will be acknowledged and celebrated with two non-transferable tickets to the 90th; 95th; and Centennial Charter Anniversary Gala.
  • $500.00 donation given within a calendar year will be acknowledged and celebrated with two non-transferable tickets to the 90th and 95th Centennial Charter Anniversary Gala.
  • $250.00 donation given within a calendar year will be acknowledged and celebrated with two non-transferable tickets to the 90th Centennial Charter Anniversary Gala.