SUSF Grant Sparks Admissions Increase

A $31,000 grant awarded from the Southern University System Foundation, to the SU Alumni Federation and SU Office of Admissions and Recruitment help spark the implementation of a successful recruitment campaign at the Baton Rouge campus. As a result of this collaborative endeavor the Baton Rouge campus has increased enrollment by 31 percent for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.

Grant funds were used to enhance marketing and advertising endeavors, and to assist with the purchase of printed and electronic materials that would support the recruitment drive.

Anthony Jackson, assistant vice chancellor for Southern University Student Affairs says the grant has assisted the office’s recruitment efforts in many ways. “These funds from the grant helped our recruiters and department open our doors and welcome new people into Southern University, and we were able to meet them in their setting,” said Jackson.

Grant funding allowed SU recruiters to visit more than 500 high schools on the “Pathway to Prominence” tour to offer student scholarships in 2014.

These funds have supported the re-launch of the Southern University Admissions View Book, and have provided sunsidy for the implementation of new programs such as National Academic Signing Day with the Southern University Alumni Federation, and the High School Counselor’s Breakfast. In addition, grant funding has supported recruitment events and activities such as the Blue and Gold Fee Waiver, Recruiter Scholarships, High School Day on the Bluff, and provided for uniforms for recruiters.