The 1922 Society, recognizing cumulative gifts of $1,500 and above, is named to celebrate the founding year of the Southern University Laboratory School and to pay homage to our impressive history and tradition of achievement.
To create a philanthropic culture at Southern University Laboratory School and to expand support, financial stability, and donor networks. Membership is available to individuals that are interested in maintaining the mission of Southern University, Southern University System Foundation, and the Southern University Laboratory School.
To create a culture of philanthropy at Southern Laboratory and to expand the University’s support and donor networks.
Membership Criteria and Stewardship
- Generate at least 10 founding members at $2,500
- An individual who commits to donating no less than $1,500 by the end of the calendar year (upfront, payment cycle, or payroll deduction)
- Must complete a 1922 Society Gift Pledge Form through the SUSF
- All members will receive a custom branded “1922” sweatshirt, access to monthly 1922 society meetings, and donor recognition at the appropriate time.
All contributions made will be utilized to benefit current and future members of the Laboratory School