1922 Society


The 1922 Society, recognizing cumulative gifts of $5,000 and above, is named for the year Southern Laboratory School was founded and pays homage to our impressive history and tradition of achievement in recognition of the Centennial Celebration.


To create a culture of philanthropy at Southern Laboratory and to expand the University’s support and donor networks.


The 1922 Society will provide a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars in annual unrestricted support to the Southern Laboratory School campus.


  • To raise $1,000 per member per year
  • To obtain an additional 5 year commitment from each member to donate at least $1,000 per year
  • To enroll 100 Founding Members prior to December 31, 2022
  • To increase membership to 1,000 by January 31, 2025
  • To encourage members to recruit one new member per year for five years, or a total of five recruits during the five-year period
  • Every dollar donated to the 1992 Society benefits the educational success of current and prospective students and establishes a foundation for Southern Laboratory School longevity.