Legacy Giving Opportunities

The Southern University Foundation’s Legacy Giving Office serves to provide resources and support to donors interested in making a commitment to give to the university via bequests, wills, trusts, or other estate planning mechanisms. Legacy giving (also known as planned Giving) will play a crucial role in the financial sustainability and long-term success of philanthropic efforts at the Southern University System. Unlike immediate donations, legacy giving involves planning and executing a donation that will have an enduring impact, often stretching far into the future. These contributions are typically arranged during a person’s lifetime but take effect upon their passing. Decades to come, your legacy and commitment to Southern University will be an enduring part of the unrelenting spirit of Southern University.

We are happy to speak with you to explore your interest in Legacy Giving to benefit the Southern University System. Please complete the interest form below to be contacted by a member of the Southern University System’s Office of Legacy Giving.