Elvira Williams Green Excellence in Educational Memorial Scholarship

The late Mrs. Elivra Williams Green was a graduate of Southern University A &M where she earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s plus 30 in English studies. She began her teaching career at Southern Laboratory School in 1961, and taught at Capitol High School and Glen Oaks High School across her 30 years as an educator in East Baton Rouge Schools. Elvira was well known for her dynamic writing ability and has published many orations, poems, and plays which have been performed in churches across the United States. She was blessed to secure copyrights for several of her works including “It Didn’t Just Happen, It was All God’s Plan” and “God’s New Hope in an Old Manager.” 

Elvira was also a renowned cook who fed many people around the kitchen table in her home each Sunday.  Elvira was married to the late Rev. Willie J. Green, Sr., and together they had three sons, Lowry B. Green, Sr. (deceased), Willie J. Green, Jr., and Ronald C. Green (deceased), Sr. They were blessed with eight grandchildren, nineteen great-grandchildren, and seven great-great grandchildren.