Total Cost


Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences

About the College

Nelson Mandela College is the only school of government in Louisiana and the region, with undergraduate programs in criminal justice, social work, sociology and psychology. The College also offers masters degrees in public administration, criminal justice, and social sciences as well as a doctorate degree in public policy. Following the legacy of Nelson Mandela, the College uses the principles of ethical practice, accountability, excellence, and community engagement in delivering its program.

Degree Programs


Rooted in a legacy of resilience and social change, the Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Services impowers 1500 students to become future leaders in government and social services. Improved classroom areas and a new auditorium are paramount to enhancing undergraduate and master’s programs fostering a dynamic learning environment. By investing in new facilities and scholarship funds, the College continues to expand its legacy of empowerment, preparing students for tomorrow’s challenges.


Renovation of Rodney G. Higgins Hall will deliver improved facilities for the students through:

Number of Stories4
Building Height60’
Existing Building Area74,900 sf
Atrium/Skylight Area (Floor/Roof Openings)2,200 sf
Lobby Enclosure1,800 sf
Renovated Area (Interiors)72,300 sf

Cost Estimate

Renovation Cost (Atrium/Skylight/Lobby)$5,500,000
Renovation Cost (Remaining Interiors)$16,100,000
Soft Costs$2,900,000
TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS$24,500,000$24,500,000
Endowment Programming$5,340,000$5,340,000
TOTAL PROJECT COST$29,840,000$29,840,000

“The Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences is a vital part of the Southern University tapestry, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in criminal justice, public administration, public policy, and social work, developing leaders of tomorrow from the1500 students enrolled. Enhancements to the College’s Higgins Hall will improve student learning through new classrooms, meeting spaces, and student amenities while improving faculty offices and facilities.”


Dean, Nelson Mandela College of Government & Social Sciences, Southern University and A&M College

“If we want to see the continued growth of Southern University, it is imperative to give back. My goal is to make continued investments to support my beloved alma mater. My late mother, an SU alum, instilled in me a reverence for higher education that I have carried throughout my time on The Bluff. I am grateful to have had amazing professors who demanded the very best of me. These challenges have enhanced my learning experiences, and have provided a platform to compete on professional levels as I pursue my desire to become an attorney.”


  • Major: Political Science
  • Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana