Total Cost


Endowment Programming

About Diversified Revenue

The Louisiana Board of Regents established the Endowed Scholarship program to broaden opportunities  to increase college access and success, and to provide additional opportunities for benefactors to support Louisiana’s college and university students.

Gift Options


In an attempt to create a more sustainable business model for the Southern University A&M College System, the Southern University System Foundation encourages our benefactors to consider an endowment gift. An endowment is a donation where the principal gift remains invested and intact, and the investment income from the endowment is used to fund a program of the donor’s choice. 


The new Southern University Alumni Federation Alumni Center is to be built on a scenic but undeveloped plot of land along the Bluff.  It will feature a large event space overlooking the  Mississippi River as well as hosting the Office of Alumni Affairs. The project will include:

Number of Stories2
Building Height35’
Existing Building Area28,000 sf

Cost Estimate

Endowment Programming$100,000,000$3,300,000$96,700,000
TOTAL PROJECT COST$100,000,000$3,300,000$96,700,000

They call us benefactors, but in reality, we all are the beneficiaries. We all, at one time or another needed the generosity of others. We maximized the support we received from our benefactors and feel a duty to give back to others. We don’t think of giving as charity. Rather, we think of giving as investing in the  future potential of students who will be  tomorrow’s benefactors.


Senior Vice President- Kellogg Company (retired) | Trustee - W.K. Kellogg Foundation (retired) | SU System Foundation Board Member | Maringouin - Knights of Peter Claver Endowed Scholarship | Southern University and A&M College

The Knights of Peter Claver scholarship allows me to follow in the footsteps of my family members who have attended Southern University. Both of my grandfathers worked in the agricultural industry, as a veterinarian, and USDA food safety worker, respectively. I am honored to represent the College of Agriculture and the Southern University football team. This gives me a sense of purpose as a student while making my family proud of my endeavors on the football field and in the classroom.


Classification: Freshman | Major: Agriculture | Hometown: Maringouin, Louisiana Knights of Peter Claver Council #119 | Southern University Football Cornerback